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Craft Center
​Location: Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh 

Status: Ongoing

Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh is a principal center for wood carving in India. With the first organized wood carving unit said to have been set up in 1882 by Atta Hussain, an immigrant from Multan, Saharanpur has developed into a major hub of woodwork and woodcarvers. Today, it is the biggest wood carving location in India.

The Center is set up under the ODOP scheme of the Government of Uttar Pradesh to facilitate Artisans- infrastructurally and technologically - and offer training facilities for up-gradation of skills of craftspersons and techniques engaged in the wood art wares industry. The overall massing and articulation of the Centre are sensitive to the context and users. The center sets a dialogue between the age-old Wood carving practice and the incorporation of modern technology in the practice.


Enhanced working conditions for Artisans, dynamic and multifunctional spaces were important concerns at the Center, which was pivotal in the creation of a 6m high PEB structure spanning a distance of 24m. Large central corridors act as a community interactive & breakout space for Artisans also allowing expansion of adjacent working areas into the outdoors.

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